Requirements and Approaches for a Publicly Visible Persistent Identifier
for Person Entries in the Stanford University Enterprise Directory Service
original: 29-Jul-1998
revised: 23-Aug-2006
Directory entries representing people in the Stanford University enterprise directory
service have both non-unique names and unique identifiers, although not all entries
have "palatable" unique identifiers. This presents issues when one is designing
a user interface where queries may return result sets with more than one entry
-- a user may need to view and utilize unique identifiers in order to refine such
result sets. We analyze this need and identify various plausible solution options,
given our naming and identification infrastructure. Two solution approaches are
presented and their differentiating factors discussed. The approach we decided
on and its detailed description closes the paper.
Executive Summary
Character-based user interfaces to directories need to supply the user with some
identifier to use to refine searches that return multiple entries. This concept
is explicitly embodied in the Whois protocol [Whois] and termed a handle.
An entry's handle is a guaranteed-unique identifier for that entry. It is typically
displayed in all query result sets, whether a set of one or many.
We are migrating our enterprise whitepages directory from Whois-based technology
onto LDAP-based technology [LDAP]. We anticipate that many of the user interfaces
(UIs) to the new LDAP-based enterprise directory service will be graphical (i.e.
GUIs) in nature. However, character-based UIs will remain in use for the foreseeable
future. For example, we intend to provide Whois-based access to the LDAP-based
directory via a Whois-to-LDAP gateway.
Note that although one can argue that a common web-based GUI approach to displaying
directory query result sets is as a simple textual list (perhaps tabularly arranged)
in a subwindow, disambiguation between entries with identical names can be accomplished
via rendering the entries using hyperlinks to further information, obviating
the need for a disambiguating ancillary entry identifier. Since we plan to provide
a Whois-to-LDAP gateway, we need to provide some identifier for entries which
serves the purposes that the Whois handle does.
Though, the Whois handle, as instantiated in our Whois-based directory, has
been problematic for users in our experience. Our Whois handles are based on
peoples' names and are used strictly within the context of the directory. Since
other people with similar names may arrive at the university or people may change
their names, one's Whois handle is not guaranteed persist over time, i.e. it
may change. But users continually mistake the Whois handles for email addresses
and are perturbed when they change without their knowledge. We believe the amount
of user confusion and our on-going effort to dispel it justifies looking into
the issues and seeing what we can do to resolve them while we're migrating to
a new technology base.
This document analyzes the requirements for the "handle" concept, which herein
is termed a Publicly Visible Persistent Identifier (PVPI), and presents two
solution approaches. They are summarized as..
A1. |
Construct and utilize a guaranteed-unique
form of Registered Name, i.e. a "Uniquified" * Registered Name (URN). |
A2. |
Construct and utilize a unique, fixed-length,
non-Registered-Name-based alphanumeric identifier. |
The tradeoffs involved in utilizing either approach are subtle and varied.
They are summarized in the section entitled An Alternative Solution
Scenario and Two Subsequent Approaches. The Bottom Line section
summarizes the quandary, and Our Chosen Approach specifies the solution.
We recommend that readers read at least those three sections. Readers interested
in the gory details are invited to begin with the following section.
* "Uniquified" was first coined by Tim Howes in a message
to Jeff Hodges about how they rendered people's names unique in the UMich
X.500 directory service. It means, essentially "to have been rendered unique".
Document Conventions
The key words "MUST", "SHOULD", and "MAY" used in this document are to
be interpreted as described in [ReqsKeywords].
Definitions, Background, and Motivation
Currently, person entries in the Stanford University enterprise directory service
have, as attributes, various forms of "natural names" and "general identifiers"
[SUNetIDReqs, SUNetIDDesign]. First, we will outline the definitions of these
terms (see the referenced documents for a more detailed discussion).
A subject is a named, often real-world, entity. A person, for example.
A person entry in the directory is an entry with an objectclass of "person"
[LDAPattributes] which we map to a real-world subject, i.e. a person. We accomplish
such mapping through the use of subjects' names and identifiers. A name
is a character string that may map to zero, one, or more subjects. A natural
name is a name that is based on a subject's real-world name. An identifier,
in contrast, is a name that maps to exactly one subject. An identifier may be
based on a subject's natural name, or it may be artificial -- a number or a
bit string, for example.
We use different forms of names and identifiers in various situations depending
upon contextual requirements. For example, a user interface (UI) to some application
might prompt a user for their "name", and expect that most people will enter
some form of their natural name. Another UI might prompt a user for an identifier
and expect that people will enter one rather than their natural name. Though,
there may be environments where one's natural name is treated as an identifier,
but we explicitly do not encourage that approach in our environment. This is
because although natural names typically map to individual subjects, occasionally
some map to an additional number of subjects.
In our interwoven Stanford University Network Identifier [SUNetID],
Person Registry [Registry], and Directory [Directory] environment we have
defined the following types of names and identifiers...
- Registered Name -- the full, official, legal natural name a subject supplied
in the act of becoming known to the university. Registered Names are often
unique, but not always. Additionally, one's Registered Name may be unique
within the directory at one point in time, yet not be unique at another point
in time -- or vice versa.
General Identifiers (GeneralIDs) -- a General ID is the base class of identifiers
utilized in the SUNetID system. General IDs may take several forms...
Registered Name-based GeneralIDs
There are both short- and long-form Registered Name-based GeneralIDs.
Short forms are suitable as "login names" for most of the various currently-utilized
types of operating systems (OSs) extant on the Stanford University Network (SUNet).
Each form of a subject's Registered Name-based generalIDs must be unique across
the entire General ID namespace, by the definition of an identifier.
Other General ID forms, e.g. a DCE Universal Unique Identifier (UUID).
These forms aren't germane to this document's discussion because they
aren't based on a subject's natural name.
All GeneralIDs are managed by the SUNet ID system, and thus are SUNet IDs.
Note that person entries in the directory will have these properties...
All person entries in the directory will have an attribute containing
the subject's (not-guaranteed-unique) Registered Name.
Not all person entries in the directory will have a (guaranteed-unique)
General ID attribute.
This document's topic is directly due to these properties. Here's a prime
motivational example...
Some UI scenarios for directory queries require selection by
the user of particular entries from a set of returned, and often summarized,
entries. Examples of this arise with "whois" and "finger" command line-based
UI "frontends" to the directory. With these UIs, it is typically up to
the user to enter an identifier from the first result set in order to obtain
a complete view of a single entry . Other examples arise in the context
of graphical UIs (GUIs) to the directory. Here, though, the GUI can hide
from the user the unique identifier used to make the singular selection
from the original result set.
Currently Recognized High-level Requirements
In the former example, where the user must view and potentially re-enter the identifier,
there are the typical requirements for the identifier to be based upon one of
the subject's names, to be of "reasonalble" length, or otherwise be "human palatable".
E.g., a long alphanumeric string bearing no relation to the subject's natural
name(s) is usually considered sub-optimal, i.e. "not terribly palatable/memorable/wieldable".
However, for example, a short numeric string, similar to a drivers license number
or a University ID number is considered by some to be acceptably palatable. Also,
there are simple techniques for rendering a subject's Registered Name unique.
The resultant length depends up the length of the subject's Registered Name, of
course. This approach is also considered palatable by some. And there are some
that consider the former or the latter or both to be unpalatable.
Another clear requirement we've derived over the years of running the Whois-based
directory service is that subjects would prefer it if all things in their entries
smacking of "names" or "identifiers" would only change if they perform some
explicit action that reasonably causes them to change. E.g. by changing their
Registered Name. This of course occurs "natuarally" through various
life changes, e.g. matrimony.
The third requirement is one of consistency -- the style or form of
the human palatable identifier should be the same for all person entries.
Our experience suggests that user and subject confusion will result if
there is not a consistent form of human palatable identifier across all
person entries.
The fourth/final requirement is that this identifier must be visible
to all directory clients whether they are authenticated and authorized
or not -- i.e. it must be "publicly visible".
The Problem Statement
Thus, the problem statement containing these essential requirements is...
What do we use as a publicly-visible, consistent, not arbitrarily changing,
human palatable identifier for all person entries in the
We term such an identifier simply a publicly-visible persistent
identifier (PVPI), since it would be expressly intended to be used
in any query from any requestor and would not itself be protected by an
access control list. Note that the PVPI is essentially the same in concept as
the "handle" utilized in the Whois protocol [Whois] and is typically used directly
in user interfaces to Whois-based directory services [SUNetWhois].
Note that we're explicitly not using the term handle in this
document in order to avoid confusion with the particular-to-Whois instantiation
of this concept.
Detailed Technical Requirements
These are the detailed, nominal requirements that we feel define the problem space
upon which the above expose' is based...
- A PVPI MUST be unique within the set of all PVPIs in the directory at PVPI
instatiation time, and on into the future.
- An entry MUST have at most one PVPI.
- A PVPI MUST be reasonably persistent.
E.g. no more than 2 changes per year per entry.
A PVPI MUST be reasonably typable.
E.g. less than 17 not-totally random characters containing no whitespace
or control characters.
PVPIs MUST be capable of being applied to any applicable class of entries
in the directory, where applicable classes MAY be drawn from: classes and
departments, if they are present in the directory and generally visible
to ad-hoc users.
Each applicable entry MUST have one.
PVPIs MUST be generated without requiring input from the subject.
A requestor MUST be allowed to retrieve the PVPI attribute if the requestor
may legitimately retrieve any portion of the entry, given the requestors
authorization level.
The below anciliary requirements help to further refine the problem space. Some
of the requirements below are not finalized, they are the ones with options indicated
in []'s with " | " separating the options. Finializing these requirements is part
of refining the solution options, since these requirements essentially present
tradeoffs in system behavior. The identified anciliary requirements are...
PVPIs SHOULD be strongly persistent. I.e. the same value persists while
the user is in the overall system though it MAY be changed at user request,
if supported.
PVPIs [ MUST | SHOULD | MAY ] [ not ] be reassigned. I.e. the PVPI for one
person is [never | might be ] used for another.
PVPIs [ MUST | SHOULD | MAY ] [ not ] look similar to a person's name, even
across name changes (so the PVPI is familiar). This requirement conflicts
with the persistence requirement, and, for long names, it may conflict
with length requirement.
PVPIs SHOULD be easy to remember. I.e. they are name-like, or similar to
some other attribute, e.g. uid (nee userid, neeSUNet ID), or simply short,
e.g. 7 or 8 digits.
PVPIs SHOULD work with command-line-oriented Whois- and Finger-based gateways
to the directory. I.e. there's no embedded whitespace or UNIX/DOS shell
metacharacters in the PVPIs.
PVPIs [ MUST | SHOULD | MAY ] not have any conflicts with SUNet IDs. I.e.
a PVPI can be the person's SUNet ID, but should never be someone else's
PVPIs SHOULD reuse existing identifiers if possible. There's no reason to
invent new ID space for this modest purpose if another one will do, e.g.
SUNet ID for those who have them.
PVPIs SHOULD be consistent across all entries. This is so PVPI users will
have a more consistent user experience.
PVPIs SHOULD be unique across all commonly-searched attributes. E.g. "hodges"
or "morgan" are a poor choices since they match many people's last names
-- and last names, as embodied in the surName (sn) attribute, will be commonly
searched upon, as will commonName (cn) which contains fullnames and thus
- PVPIs SHOULD not be easily confused with other ID-oriented attributes.
E.g. "whois handles" look like login IDs, but aren't. This can be quite confusing
and a Bad Thing when someone's handle is someone else's ID. Additionally,
an all numeric PVPI might be confused with a phone number, or a University
ID number, or even a zip code.
Readily Apparent Solution Scenarios and their Issues
One potential approach is to copy what the Whois-based directory does. It has
the concept of a unique "handle" which is entirely based on the equivalent of
one's Registered Name. The handle is an algorithmically derived abbreviation of
Registered Name and is guaranteed unique across all entries in the Whois-based
directory at a given point in time. However, one's handle can change over time.
Each time a new directory entry is created, collisions between the new entry's
handle and other similarly-named entries' handles are resolved by adjusting the
new entry's handle and possibly those of the similarly-named entries. Thus a subject's
handle may change without the subject's knowledge. This clearly violates the requirement
of having no arbitrary changes made to one's names or identifiers...
I1. |
Whois-style "handles" may arbitrarily change
over time without the subject's input or approval. |
The Registered Name-based identifiers supplied by the SUNet ID system
would seem to be prime candidates to utilize as human palatable identifiers.
However, not all entries in the directory have SUNet IDs, as discussed
above. Thus only a subset of person entries will have a Registered Name-based
identifier which might be presented in result sets. Currently, the only
other identifiers in, or planned for inclusion in, all person entries are
numerically-based and bear no relationship to a subject's natural name.
Additionally, our default authorization posture is that we reveal current
SUNet IDs only to previously authorized clients, e.g. authenticated users.
This further limits our being able to utilize current SUNet ID-based identifiers
as humanly palatable identifiers. Thus this scenario's issues are...
I2. |
Not all subjects have SUNet ID-based identifiers,
and some of the rest will not have publicly revealed any of theirs. |
A third potential solution would be to utilize whichever form of SUNet
ID a subject has authorized to be publicly-visible, e.g. by authorizing
it as an email alias [SEAS], or, if no publicly-visible SUNet ID form exists,
utilize some other identifier that's based on Registered Name. This isn't
consistent. Additionally, if one authorizes a SUNet ID as an email alias,
where one wasn't authorized before, then it follows that one's human palatable
identifier returned to clients should probably change. But this violates
the no arbitrary changes requirement.
I3. |
Using SUNet ID-supplied, Registered Name-based
identifiers for some entries and something else for others is inconsistent,
plus one's human palatable identifier would be subject to arbirary change. |
An Alternative Solution Scenario and Two Subsequent Approaches
An alternative solution is to create yet another form of General ID for
all person entries and use it as the PVPI. The form of this identifier arguably
hinges on this single question...
Should PVPIs be "name-like"?
If they are name-like, then...
They must be alterable as a person's name changes.
They should be alterable to meet the person's desire for what their name
should look like.
Their use and management overlaps so much with SUNet IDs that it is obvious
just to make them be SUNet IDs, with the uniquified Registered Name
as a default long-form SUNet ID.
Or, if they are not name-like, then..
they should be short numbers, with..
some distinguishing look so that they aren't likely to be confused with
University ID numbers, phone numbers, Zip codes, or some other relatively
pervasive, short number in our lives.
Both approaches objectively satisfy the primary PVPI requirements as long
as we haven't specified a maximum-length requirement for PVPIs (that's less
than the longest possible name which might enter the system).
In summary, the two approaches are..
A1. The Guaranteed-unique Form of Registered Name Approach
Construct and utilize a guaranteed-unique form of Registered Name, i.e.
a Uniquified Registered Name (URN).
Form would be "Registered Name with a number at the end".
The URN is managed as a SUNet ID to ensure no conflicts.
The URN can be used just like any SUNet ID, e.g. as a SEAS alias.
URNs will change automatically as a user's Registered Name changes.
The user can choose to make the PVPI be some other SUNet ID.
The PVPI can change at the user's request.
A PVPI is non-reassignable.
A2. The Fixed-length Non-Registered-Name-based Alphanumeric Identifier
Construct and utilize a unique, fixed-length, non-Registered-Name-based
alphanumeric identifier.
Assigned by the Registry.
Short, for ease of remembering and using.
Alphanumeric, in order to avoid confusion with Univ IDs. Perhaps the alpha
portion should be fixed in order to aid the point above. E.g. DS1234567
The ID is permanent, non-re-assignable, and non-changeable.
The implications of each approach are discussed below.
Implications of Approach A1
The advantages of this approach are...
It has an obvious relationship to the subject since it is based upon the
subject's Registered Name.
Arguably more familiar to current Whois users, since it would be similar
to current Whois handles.
More mnemonic in general.
Those who wish could potentially reuse an existing SUNet ID form.
The disadvantages are...
The length varies and is relatively unconstrained.
The user is exposed to the management of the PVPI.
There will be many more entries in the SUNet ID system.
Possible confusion with auto-generated SUNet ID PVPIs mixed with user-chosen
Not consistent across all entries.
Implications of Approach A2
The advantages of this approach are...
The length can be constrained.
Consistent across all entries.
Essentially no additional UI required in the overall Registry/SUNet ID/Directory
No changes ever, period.
The disadvantages are...
It will not necessarily have any obvious relationship to the subject's
Registered Name. I.e. it is not mnemonic.
Confusion due to people having yet-another-number to deal with.
The Bottom Line Decision...
To some degree the differences between the approaches center on aesthetics,
however, the factor of constrained or relatively unconstrained identifier
length could be a quantifiable tradeoff some situations, and the Registered
Name-based approach has a quantifiable impact on the SUNet ID system.
A2 is much easier to implement, but may not be as palatable.
Though, can we afford to do A1; is it worth the effort?
In the next section, we discuss and specify the approach we decided
to implement.
Our Chosen Approach
We decided to go with A2: the Fixed-length Non-Registered-Name-based
Alphanumeric Identifier approach. We feel its advantages outweigh its
disadvantages and that approach A1's cost to system developer/maintainers
was too high given what we feel are not terribly great advantages over
A2 from the user's perspective.
Here's the format we chose for the PVPI...
The PVPI is an alphanumeric string constructed according to these rules...
"DS" represents a 2-chacter alphabetic, fixed upper case, substring, i.e.
[A-Z], with the constant value of "DS" for now, but we may
add other values in the future.
"nnn" represents 3-digit numeric, i.e. [0-9],substrings, which are randomly
assigned, rather than serially.
- "A" represents a single-character, fixed upper case, alphabetic substring,
also with randomly assigned values, from the set [A-H, J-N, P-Z]. Note
that "I" and "O" are excluded in order to eliminate potential confusion with
"1" (numeral one) and "0" (numeral zero).
(Please note that an [ABNF] specification for the PVPI is presented
in Appendix A, below.)
For example...
Our motivations for choosing this particular format are that it is...
Entirely unlike a spoken or written "word",
Largely unlike a phone number (at least in recent times, in this country),
University ID number, Zip code, car license plate number (at least in California),
Relatively easy to remember,
Fixed length,
Scalable to millions, but not billions or more.
We did not yet have any operational experience with this approach at the time
of the writing of the 1.0 version of this paper, and we both left Stanford shortly
thereafter -- and we have not yet caught up with our colleagues there to see how
it has worked in the intervening eight years. PVPIs were implemented in the SUNet
Person Registry [Registry] and Enterprise Directory Service in Fall 1998 as a
part of the rollout of the then new, LDAP-based enterprise identity, registry
and directory services called "StanfordWho". PVPIs can be seen in action by, for
example, using the following command (at a command prompt) on most any internet-connected
*nix system: "whois -h <some common family name>".
Note that in the gratuitous whois help information returned, the PVPI is refered
to as a "DS number".
Appendix A
This is the PVPI syntax expressed in [ABNF] form...
= alphaTag numericTag
alphaChar numericTag |
= %x44 %x53
; "DS" |
=/ alphaChar alphaChar
; may alloc other values in |
; the future from the alphaChar set |
= %x41-48 / %x4A-4E
/ %x50-5A |
; A-H, J-N, P-Z, I & O are excluded |
; 0-9 0-9 0-9 |
[Directory] |
Services Project. Stanford University. Jeff Hodges, Directory Services
Lead Geek. Project established July 1994. In production as of May 1996 with
on-going evolution. Info available at: |
[LDAP] |
LDAP Roadmap and FAQ. Annotated bibliography of resources about
the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Jeff Hodges. Periodically updated.
Available at: |
[Registry] |
Project. Stanford University. The Registry Team. Project established
ca. 1996. In production as of June 1998, with evolution on-going. Info
available at: |
[SEAS] |
Email Alias Service. Stanford University. The SUNet ID Team. Project
established ca. 1995. In production as of May 1996 with on-going evolution.
Info available at:
/alias-info.html |
[SUNetWhois] |
Whois-based Directory Service. Stanford University. Originally
by the Systems and Technology team of Networking Systems. In production
since near the beginning of time. Available at: |
[Whois] |
K. Harrenstien, M.K. Stahl, E.J. Feinler. Internet Engineering Task Force,
RFC 954. October 1985. Available as: |